Animatic Scenes and Tests

Below are Individual scenes of my Animatic, followed by a compilation of all of them. I did this to cut down on file size while creating the animatic, and also to keep everything more coherent and organised. Once the scenes were created I then compiled them in Premiere Pro, and for an initial test coded them in LQ, to check to pace and to see if there were any other errors that have been made in the production process. I am happy with the way things are shaping. I look forward to seeing the final product.

Sound Design:

I will be outsourcing the sound design and score of the piece to working professionals. The score will be produced by the Band "Kayleigh", based in Devon, UK. I will be making trips to discuss with the band members about the ideas for the score I have. I have faith that the score will be produced at a high quality.

The head band-member and Guitarist Rhys Hurd, has been my main point of contact for this outsourcing.  I have been communicating with him via Email as well as in person.

Production for the Sound Design and scoring will begin in JANUARY 2019.  AS of such, this part of the production will fall under the second semester, and as such will be documented and showcased on my production blog.

The Reason for this outsourcing is to alleviate some of the workloads, due to my own technical knowledge on the subject, and due to the tight timeframe of the project. Doing the sound design myself will not benefit my portfolio, as it is not something I am that interested in pursuing further, so it is best to be outsourced, in order to let me focus on design and animation, and so that the sound will be produced to the highest quality.

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